Political Affiliations

Member, Finance Committee, Spencer Cox for Governor
Sponsor, Governor Gary Herbert Gala Celebration
Member, Governor Gary Herbert Finance Committee
Member, Governor Jon Huntsman Finance Committee and Transition Team
Member, Bennett Group Fundraiser for Congressman Chris Stewart
Member, Finance Committee, Jason Chaffetz for Congress
Member, Elephant Club Board of Directors
(Chief Fundraising Arm of the Utah Republican Party)
Member, Governor Gary Herbert Finance Committee
Member, Lohra Miller for District Attorney, Finance Committee
Member, Senator Bob Bennett Re-Election Finance Committee
Utah Host Committee, John McCain
Member, John McCain Finance Committee
Member, Governor Jon Huntsman Gala Finance Committee
Member, Host Committee, Rudy Giuliani
Member, Finance Committee and "Kitchen Cabinet,"
Orrin Hatch Presidential Campaign
Member, Finance Committee and "Kitchen Cabinet," Orrin Hatch for Senate
Member, Governor Jon Huntsman Gala Finance Committee
Honoree/Founder, Republican Women's PAC Inaugural Gala Founders Award
Sponsor, Caring for Health in Utah, Michael O. Leavitt,
U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services
Host Committee, Olene Walker Legacy of Learning,
Finance Chairman, Utah, Bush-Cheney
Member, Governor-Elect Jon Huntsman Transition Advisory Committee
(Assignment: Natural Resources)
Governor-Elect Jon Huntsman Inauguration Committee
Senator Bob Bennett Re-Election Finance Committee
Member, Finance Committee, Mark Shurtleff, Attorney General
Sponsor, Regents' Event, 32nd Biennial Convention,
National Federation of Republican Women
Sponsor, Governor Olene Walker Inauguration
Chair, Finance Committee, Olene Walker for Governor
Chair, Third Judicial District Nominating Commission, Governor Leavitt appointment
Member, Governor Michael O. Leavitt Gala Finance Committee
Senator Robert Bennett Re-Election Finance Committee
Counsel to the Italian Vice Consul Utah Delegation to Torino, Italy
Event Chair, Dinner with Vice President Dick Cheney
Delegate to the Republican National Convention in Philadelphia
Finance Chairman, Hatch Election Committee for Senate
Member, Executive Committee, Hatch Election Committee for Senate
Member, Governor Leavitt Finance Committee
Utah Finance Chairman, Orrin Hatch Presidential Exploratory Committee
Member, President Ronald Reagan PAC (RR PAC)
Event Chairman, President George Bush
and Barbara Bush,
Senator Bob Bennett Campaign Kick-off
Re-Election Committee, Senator Robert Bennett
Delegate for the visit of the
Republican National Committee
to the Republic of China
State Chairman, Utah Republican Party
Past President and Member,
Board of Directors,
Utah Republican Elephant Club
(Chief Fundraising Arm of the
Utah Republican Party)
Member, Finance Committee, Utah Republican Party
Member, Board of Directors, The Bennett '98 Committee
Member, Mike Leavitt for Governor '96 Committee
Sponsor, Reception with Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole
Sponsor, Republican Legislative Leadership Roast
Utah Counsel, Dole For President
Member, Executive Committee, Utah Republican Party
Sponsor, Governor's Ball, Governor Leavitt
Sponsor, Governor's Ball, Governor Bangerter
Member, Senator Orrin G. Hatch Re-Election Steering Committee
Member, Finance Committee, Mary Callaghan, Salt Lake County Commissioner
Co-Chairman, Steering Committee, Enid Greene, United States Congress
Chairman, Reception Honoring Senator Orrin Hatch with Senator Bob Dole
Member, Utah Business Advisory Group, Senator Robert F. Bennett
Sponsor, Utah Republican Party Annual Summer Celebration with Jack Kemp
Member, Governor-Elect Mike Leavitt Community and Economic Development Transition Team
Member, Governor-Elect Mike Leavitt Natural Resources Transition Team
Member, Policy and Issues Committee, Mike Leavitt for Governor
Recipient,Utah Republican Party Chairman's Award for Outstanding Leadership, Utah Republican Convention, Salt Lake City, Utah
Member, Finance Committee and Executive Steering Committee,
Dave Buhler for Mayor
Past Member, Committee For a Republican Majority: Nolan Karras, President of the Senate and Craig Moody, Speaker of the House
Chairman, Finance Committee, Dan Marriott for Governor
Chairman, Marriott For Congress Finance Committee
299 South Main Street, Suite 1300
Salt Lake City, Utah 84111
801 883-8303 TEL